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We can help you with all of the items listed below. Our experienced agents can provide the best representation and counsel for you. We will find you the right property in the right location with a minimum of interference with your business or practice.

There is no need to waste your time driving the streets calling of signs only to find that there is not space available or the space that is available is far to small or too large for your purposes.

If we aren't qualified to counsel you in an area we will advise you on how to get the right advice and where to get it.

  1. Don't start the process without having a budget in mind. How much can you afford to pay each month in rent? Your budge will determine in what area to look and for what class of building.
  2. Don't decide to move without knowing how much your move will cost. Do you have any quotes from moving companies? Do you have computers or other equipment that need special handling? Will your telephone equipment move well or is it so outdated that it is easier to buy a new system? The answer to these questions may determine if you are really ready to move.
  3. Don't make a date for the move until you calculate how much time you need to move. You can move over a weekend usually but it may cost more to do it. Can you afford the downtime if you move during the week? Will you and your employees be spending days packing everything or will you be able to spend the extra money to have your movers pack you up? The answer to these questions may determine when you wish the lease to start.
  4. Don't look for space until you know what is the ideal floor plan for your business or profession. This is the time to determine the “perfect” lay out. We don't always achieve perfection but it can be a goal.
  5. Don't lease until you know how much space you really need. If you are just making do with cramped spaces now, it is probably not productive to move employees into another crowded situation. Perhaps there is a lay out that will be much more efficient for you that doesn't require more space?
  6. Don't look for space until you know what the best geographical location is for you and your employees. Searching the entire county is usually not productive. There are areas that will be better for your staff and for your clients. Where are those locations?
  7. Don't arbitrarily save money on your suite by not bothering with image. Maybe you don't have clients coming to you very much and it isn't critical. Perhaps they come to you just enough that you do need to take it into consideration. Maybe image is more important to your employees than you think. Are you High Tech, Professional, Low Tech? Often the right look in a property will make you feel much better, even if it has no impact at all on the business. What is that look?
  8. Don't sign a lease without learning something about the Lessor. Is it a person or company with a good reputation or will you be going into a situation that will be adversarial with the Owner? The Broker may know or other tenants may know.
  9. Don't sign a lease without knowing just what the key elements of a lease are other than the price and term? Many leases contain onerous clauses that can have a devastating effect on you under certain circumstances. Who is advising you about these?
  10. Don't sign a lease that has been negotiated without reading in carefully. Many times they are altered by accident or purposely between negotiations and lease preparation. The changes may cause you a big problem.

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